Benefitting Clients

On a one to one basis, open minds and supportive attitudes concerning expats can be encountered all across the globe. That is fortunate since they are, in general, one of the most underestimated, ignored and neglected groups of people.
This may come as a surprise to those who have never relocated abroad, especially to a foreign language country. Research of official city websites reveals a lack of even basic information in English. Düsseldorf’s is some 95% German, for instance, and Montreal 100% French. This is understandable and even commendable due to the enormous investment required to maintain multilingual and up to date content.
Benefitting Clients
The main beneficiaries of Amazing Capitals online publications and resources are companies and cities who require solid information to assist them in their goal of attracting international professionals. And those who wish to retain expats.
The eGuides present a powerful portfolio of articles and posts designed and written specifically to inform, support and empower expats in their new location. All aspects concerning The Location and Things To Do are covered on the online resources as are the multifaceted themes of Expat Life. Clean, clear presentations guide give answers, guide to other sources or recommend other solutions. Benefits are self-explanatory.
- Help in attracting expats to the location
- Greater efficiency in attracting applicants
- Support in retaining contented staff
- Reduction of costs of replacing staff who leave early
- Easing the pressure on human resources
- More predictability of corporate development
- Increased productivity of expat employees
- Improved reputation as employers of expats
Research is sketchy. However, the most recent publications reveal fascinating and potentially costly insights. Attempted engagements can fail because potential expat employees are not aware of the full offer that the city and the region provides. Those engagements that have a positive outcome require much individual support for a relocation to succeed.
In order for them to be more engaged at work, international employees need to experience quality of life. The prospect of retaining foreign employees can also seem demanding with a failure rate of between 30%-50% while the cost of finding a replacement can, according to global statistics, be beyond 100-200% of their salary.
Retaining expats is fundamentally linked to their ability to integrate and lead better lives in their new location. They cannot achieve that without access to knowledge.
The Research
Family members’ inability to adjust to a foreign assignment has been identified as one of the most critical causes of expatriate failure . – Haslberger A., Brewster C. 2008. The expatriate family: an international perspective. J. Manag. Psychol. 23 324–346.
It is well known in expat circles that many assignments fail because spouses or the kids are unhappy. According to AXA’s own “World of Work” report 54% of HR directors at multi-national companies say that staff terminating international assignments early did so due to family concerns. – Lucille Abendanon on AXA Global Healthcare.
Client Quote
Equally, local companies are supported and profit from the knowledge of the [Amazing Capitals Neuss] eGuide. In this manner, particularly medium-sized businesses are assisted in attracting expats to their company and thus counteracting a shortage of skilled workers. – Peter Fischer, Press Spokesman, City of Neuss.
Further sponsors and partners include, City of Valencia, Global Omnium, La Marina Valencia and Oceanografic Valencia, Neuss Marketing, Economic Development Neuss, Neuss-Düsseldorfer Häfen, Düsseldorf Marketing, Ruhr Tourismus, Messe Düsseldorf and International School of Düsseldorf, to name a few.
Let’s talk to see how this works for you. Join the growing Amazing Capitals family and become a sponsor when you are ready.
By Vincent Green, Sep 28 2021

Once an expat professional has been hired, companies soon return to business as usual. The employee has relocated and their days take on a routine. However, international residents also need to settle in, which involves a steeper and broader learning curve than with nationals. Longer term support determines true success.
Many expat parents wish to educate their children in an environment that enables smooth transitions to a new location. Local language tuition is also a consideration. International schooling is thus a crucial topic of eGuides. The International School of Düsseldorf is a fine example.