Location Resources

Expats need to obtain a solid impression of The Location they are planning on relocating to. They wish to know how the city feels and if local residents are welcoming to foreigners.
Amazing Capitals publishes extensive information to give a clear picture of the city, getting around, the surroundings, countryside, rivers, how people act and think, places to sleep over, politics, consulates, street art, humour and many, many more facts, curiosities, insights to help navigate society.
Following arrival, recreation and entertainment become major aspects of every day life. Things To Do helps expats to discover where the best coffee is served and find restaurants with great ambience and dishes, delicious sushi, quality fast food or vegetarian and vegan. Recreational tips, entertainment, events and happenings, where to take enjoyable walks or go hiking can also be found.
Expat-centric needs are addressed in Expat Life, such as themes around home and family and interaction with others. From Jaywalking to holidays, insurance to recycling, relocating to religion as well as socialising, social media groups or international schooling, health and wellbeing, all are highlighted.
The underlying goal of Amazing Capitals expat ecosystems throughout is to support the wellbeing of international residents in the location of their choice. It is my desire is to creates support systems in far larger numbers of cities across the world. This is the start. If you and your company wish to help empower expats where you are based, get in touch and let’s work on a solution together.
By Vincent Green, Feb 4 2025

Improving the chance of companies retaining international employees in their location is a challenging task for city authorities. Life as an expat is complex. The need for balance, contented interaction and feeling at home is key. Those that underestimate the necessity to support are likely to lose valued residents.
Numerous expats bring along or acquire a four legged member of the family. Are locals pet friendly, a license necessary, are dogs permitted on public transport or in restaurants and is a leash a must? Surprises await on this and other topics such as telecoms, insurance, banks, utilities, recycling, emergencies, libraries and religion. All are covered in detail in the local eGuide.