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Essential Requirements

© Amazing Capitals / DeiaGreg

Amazing Capitals publishes online resources to help companies and cities to attract and retain expats. The brand is present is several locations and is expanding to new cities.

The strategy for the future is through agreements with licensees who take responsibility for instigation, creation and ongoing success of the online expat guide in their location. While licensees are normally individuals, partnerships or agencies, companies and cities can also take responsibility through such an agreement.

The most essential requirement is a comprehensive understanding of the effects of relocation to a new country and different culture. The exciting world of life as an expat is also a challenging one. If you have lived in a foreign country too, that is ideal. Minimum local language capability is  preferable.

Being A Candidate

Licensee candidates have to possess the aptitude to do the job, feel they are a good culture fit for the  organisation and show values in alignment with a growing independent group of people.

Aptitude for the role is as essential as intelligence, whether academic or emotional. The ability to accept guidance is important, whereby the ability to articulate themselves and ability to introduce new ideas are ideal.

A clear work ethic and timeliness to meet deadlines is expected. Candidates of both genders, identities and leanings are welcome, respect and acceptance for the opposite sex, origins, race, political beliefs are non-negotiable.

Hard working, skilled and adaptable people who wish to work independently or remotely who are willing to invest in a career are ideal licensees. You need to show the ability to make contact and negotiate with high level city administrators, the mayoress, mayor or city head, company leaders and senior HR staff. Sales ability or a viable strategy to acquire clients is primary.

Articles and posts have to be researched and written, photos taken and the website created. These skills can also be outsourced. Furthermore, aptitude for generating traffic through social media or other means is also an important priority.

Above all, the desire to help expats lead better lives by creating and publishing online resources for expats is key. Done well, using your business acumen an ongoing source of income, a career, contentment and independent lifestyle are the result. Cross cultures, interact with people from all walks of life and enjoy a magnificent lifestyle with this unique concept. 

By Vincent Green, Oct 5 2021

Man sitting on window sill


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