Amazing Capitals

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Every effort has been made to comply with international law, including EU regulations. Since conception over a decade ago, full disclosure has been provided. Amazing Capitals has never passed any information on to third parties and never will. We do not spam anyone.
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By Vincent Green, Aug 18 2023
Amazing Capitals Ltd
7 Bell Yard
WC2A 2JR London
United Kingdom
+44 755 050 7799

Expat location guides in each city post the mayor's welcome to expats. Effects are threefold. International residents are acknowledged for their decision to relocate. It sends a motivational message to municipal employees to serve them well. A powerful signal is also spread among companies and locals.
Numerous expats bring along or acquire a four legged member of the family. Are locals pet friendly, a license necessary, are dogs permitted on public transport or in restaurants and is a leash a must? Surprises await on this and other topics such as telecoms, insurance, banks, utilities, recycling, emergencies, libraries and religion. All are covered in detail in the local eGuide.