Amazing Capitals

Amazing Capitals comprehensive city and regional guides are available in numerous cities across five countries. Following the introduction of a new concept and design format in the city of Valencia, Spain, new expat eGuides will be introduced periodically.
Amazing Capitals offer inspiring and valuable location based support full of relevant knowledge and information with articles written in English. International residents can find all necessary formalities, must do’s, things to enjoy, large events, small happenings and ways to contact other people in similar situations.
Valencia as well as Neuss, Düsseldorf and Ruhr in Germany are on the latest design v3. Cracow, Prague and Beijing are available in the original v1 format. All will be progressively transferred.
We are expanding into more locations. If you wish to work together to create resources for expats in your city or run an Amazing Capitals expat guide as licensee, let’s talk.
Explore how to improve your expat employment circumstances. Reserve a discovery meeting on Calendly, call or contact via the options below. Opportunities include a variety of packages, sponsor options and license agreements. Joining is effective, efficient, quick and smooth.
By Vincent Green / Aug 21 2023
Amazing Capitals Ltd
7 Bell Yard
WC2A 2JR London
United Kingdom
+44 755 050 7799

Expat location guides in each city post the mayor's welcome to expats. Effects are threefold. International residents are acknowledged for their decision to relocate. It sends a motivational message to municipal employees to serve them well. A cosmopolitan message is also spread among companies and locals.

A more effective, holistic approach is required to inspire expats to relocate, provide knowledge to support settling in and motivate them to remain in their new home. A simple tool with a quick overview to help spread the word through your company. No signup required!
Cultural Immersion
Beyond the corporate world lies another world of creativity. Artists, creators and curators influence city environments with their work. Most cities are able to boast impressive art venues and museums as part of their cultural collection. Displays of permanent collections and temporary exhibits are a source of inspiration for many expats. Thus another important aspect of the eGuides.