What Matters in Expat Lives?

Wakeboarder over water

What matters in life and what doesn’t? Typical answers include happiness, love, family, health, career and wealth. As many of us know, the planned trajectory in our lives can change quickly.

As a publisher for companies who wish to attract, hire and retain international talent, the wellbeing of expats is top of mind. When a professional decides to relocate abroad, they leave much behind. An abundance of friends, family, places they go, things they do become irrelevant.

Their new employer is renowned, the job is exciting and the package generous. And yet life is turned upside down. Suddenly the everyday beyond work is also a new learning curve.

Language is an obvious barrier if they choose a country other than their native tongue. Bathing in a different culture becomes a challenge too. From the foods we eat to the shops we frequent, everything is different. The list is endless and it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Trusted brands? Some. Label of ingredients? Interesting. Favourite goodies? Good luck with that. Suddenly we are foreign and far less in control of our destiny. Highly skilled and clever individuals now find themselves feeling somewhat naive and foolish. So too their partner or family members.

It is easy to underestimate the energy of such conflict and should not be ignored by the company nor colleagues. A helping hand can work wonders from time to time.

The publication of English language online resources creates an ecosystem to empower international residents to make informed choices, wise decisions and and enrich their lives. Connecting to how and where included.

Recreation is one such topic. In Düsseldorf the world’s largest water sports fair, boot (boat in English), is in progress with a fascinating abundance of craft and accessories. The immersive experiences as well as ecology and protection of the oceans are perfect for interested local expat employees and families.

Wish to learn more about expat support? Download the concept from the start page 🙌.

Photo © Messe Düsseldorf

By Vincent Green, Jan 20 2025

Heartfelt Christmas 2024

Snowy scene

If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn’t. How fascinating to consider under what circumstances Emerson W. Pugh came to state this profound wisdom.

The heartfelt story of Christmas is a rather simple one that we can comprehend. It too came to life in a very different world to the one we inhabit today. Some 2,000 years later that testimony concerns around a third of humanity of Christian faith.

The message of glad tidings and goodwill is one with universal values. Moving from another country at this time of year is unique. Those belonging to a different religion or none at all, can find themselves surrounded by unusual merrymaking. Some of whom embrace and enjoy celebrating this festive season along with its special ambience.

Forced to discover literally everything anew, relocating provides a moment to reset. Their norm no longer exists, so can expats rediscover a new sense of being?

As a publisher for companies hiring expats, I notice that beyond a chance to relocate, international talent are offered a unique opportunity to reflect upon life when they move.

Outpouring of Love

That is the case in Valencia too. Since I also publish a project in the location, I am well informed. This year differs from those before. Following the horrific disaster of severe flooding that the so-called dana caused, life changed abruptly in and around that magnificent city. We are divided into have or have not, suffering or not, into givers or receivers.

An enormous outpouring of love occurred both locally and from afar. Dedicated assistance from thousands of residents brought much needed support while the authorities remained frozen in denial. The incompetence of politicians and perhaps even criminal neglect was trumped by untold numbers individuals with shovels and bare hands who walked for miles to help thousands who were in drastic need for assistance.

That help is ongoing. However, to add to a sense of misery, the festive season has arrived accompanied by the usual magic, music and merriment. A certain unease can be felt amongst the sympathetic local expat community. And yet, the lights have long been lit, albeit a couple of weeks later than usual. Celebrations have commenced and Christmas, New year as well as Three Kings are arriving rapidly.

The official Visit Valencia tourist board quotes the “Return to Normalcy in the City of València After the DANA Floods”. Of course, the city needs tourist revenues, even if expats seem somewhat divided on this topic. For a vast majority of residents the extent of normalcy has meant merely the inconvenience of a lack of metro, trains or access to major roads. With these issues solved, the contrast of revelry and sorrow can fade from the limelight.

Conscious Christmas

This year, of course, Christmas will remain vastly different especially for those whose lives were devastated. Many expats and locals are feeling traumatised. Festive cheer is accompanied by a degree of sadness, compassion and sadness. There is, of course, loss of property, belongs and, above all, loved ones. A sense of normality is nowhere to be seen for many residents.

The Advent season is almost over and seasonal goodies have long been available in Spanish stores. Saint Nicolaus has passed and Santa will not be too far behind. Spain is renowned for it’s celebrations on Three Kings in January, with lights hanging traditionally through Epiphany. A new year will follow rapidly, regardless of calendar, with the Chinese new year also falling in January in 2025.

The love that has poured out from the local populace and global communities over recent weeks is in stark contrast to incompetence, negligence, disrespect and manipulation from officials in positions of power.

Tourists have cancelled their trip to Valencia either out of respect or apprehension of what they may find. The ripple effect can be felt far and wide. Businesses suffer while many debate the pros and cons.

Attached to Where?

Expats contemplate their attachment and sense of belonging. Settling in to the new country and culture while bathing in a new language and societal system brings frustration, possibility or both. This depends on preparation, comprehension and the support offered by their employer and surroundings.

Traditional Christmas delights vary and we sometimes yearn for something tangible and dear to us. The British, for example, adore seasonal mince pies and pudding, while Germans have their stollen and baumkuchen. Italians devour panettone, Spaniards turron, while Finns lap up their star shaped joulutorttu.

However, to children everywhere, Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Père Noël, der Weihnachtsmann, Babbo Natale, Sinterklaas, Jultomten, Papá Noel, Gwiazdor or Joulupukki have more or less the same meaning. Anticipation and joy!

As we listen to such delightful prose as “let it snow, let it snow, let it snow”, the vast majority don’t see it. So wherever you may be at Yuletide, with a sprinkling of white or not, may you find yourself in good company with new friends or old and close to your loved ones. And even if Santa does have a new name, make sure you leave a note :).

Wishing all a safe, magnificent Christmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful new year. A heartfelt thank you for joining me on this journey, your support, friendship and trust.

Kindest, Garry

By Vincent Green, Dec 19 2024

Expat Definition

Queue in front of door to Globe theatre

The human race has travelled the globe for millennia. Indigenous folk have fought amongst themselves, been fought by others, overrun or displaced. Newcomers have been treated as outcasts, even when they merely moved to the next village.

Are these some of the reasons that modern societies are still sceptical about the arrival of foreigners? A phenomenon that is hard to avoid is the increased necessity to attract talent from abroad. These individuals, their partners and families may still be foreigners but they are defined more generously as expats.

Taking a glance at what the professional field of knowledge has to say about the modern day movement of people.


Merriam Webster: The Americans still give a somewhat extreme definition of expatriate. Verb: To leave one’s native country to live elsewhere. To renounce allegiance to one’s native country (from 1768). The noun is more subtle: A person who lives in a foreign country (from 1818). Expat: A person forced to emigrate for political reasons. According to them, the first known use of the term expat was in 1962.

Collins expresses more gently: An expatriate is someone who is living in a country which is not their own.

Urban Dictionary: Expatriate: A citizen of one country living in another. Expat: A person taking up residency in another country.

Cambridge University Press is yet more simple: Noun: Someone who does not live in their own country. Expat is considered informal.

Oxford University Press offers another angle. Nouns: A person who lives outside their native country. An exile. Expat is considered informal. Adjective: short for expatriate.

And the German Duden? Expat: someone who works (on behalf of their company) abroad for a prolonged period of time. Looking up the generic German equivalent (internationale Fach- und Führungskräfte) reveals no results.


Merriam Webster: A person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence; Collins: An immigrant is a person who has come to live in a country from some other country; Urban Dictionary: An immigrant is any person who lives in a country other than their country of birth; Cambridge University Press: A person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently; Oxford University Press: A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.


Merriam Webster: A person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops; Collins: A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work; Cambridge University Press: A person that travels to a different country or place, often in order to find work; Oxford University Press: A person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.


Merriam Webster: A person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution; Collins: Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homes or their country, either because there is a war there or because of their political or religious beliefs; Cambridge University Press: A person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war; Oxford University Press: A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

Personal experience

Many years ago, I was asked by my British employers to solve complex issues in Germany. I went to a city I had never even thought about, in a country that was not high on my list of places to see.

Let alone contemplate living in. After several months of having had terrific experiences, I returned home. End of story, I thought.

However, a year later a new chapter opened. I was requested to go again and eventually to commit to staying. I therefore began to engage more intensely with German society. My life was not in danger in anyway. I was neither poor, nor did I have to leave my country of birth for political reasons. It war therefore, by definition, my first experience as an expat.

Did I take someone else’s potential job? Certainly. Since I was expert at what I did, I was invited to stay abroad. Developing my career, I took away several positions over time. However since the company thrived, other openings were created. Did my move cause a vacancy in the UK? Of course. Was that taken by a German national? No. Could this be an imbalance or source of friction? Possibly.

Owning my own business in the years to come, I created other jobs in Germany. Does that factor in any equation? Not really. The point is, the labour force is in flux. I firmly believe that is a fine situation, offering opportunity to individuals and their employers on a global scale.

Beneficial synchronicity

Do these individuals take jobs from nationals? Of course they do, technically speaking. But they also fill vacant positions that otherwise could not be filled. The phenomenon of movement of people is independent of necessity of staff. Yet one could and often does benefit from the other.

If we were to examine our rejection of foreigners more fully we might accept the desire to improve their wellbeing more freely. Such a shift in viewpoint is a valid one, enabling us to be more welcoming to each and every expat. Economists agree that this would raise productivity and add to both local and national economies.

The use of strong words to define international movement across borders is manipulative. Is there a desire to instil fear amongst the public and pursue certain agendas? Today, the words expat, expatriate, immigrant, migrant and refugee are far more interchangeable. Whilst refugees possess a more unfortunate reason for relocating, many possess qualifications. Many more are willing to work.

Dissecting words, we discover more truths and insights, such as un-fortunate. My personal good fortune led me on my life’s path. I am an expat. Yet I too could be defined as an economic migrant. Unfortunately, this label causes much friction, ill-will and even anger in societies everywhere. I was welcomed with open arms and I felt accepted. I was even referred to not as a foreigner but as a British citizen. Despite the facts.

What defines an expat? My simple, unifying expat definition: Of foreign origin often with no local languages skills. A more widespread approach and holistic strategy is required in most locations across the globe. Surprisingly, little is undertaken to secure and promote this highly desirable group of people.

My mission is to change that and has become my business. Amazing Capitals creates expat ecosystems in locations to improve the circumstances of all stakeholders. Join the movement!

Fear Driven Recruitment / Two

Billboard with ad

Following reflection upon Finland, a look at Germany is next, where the lack of trained staff is known as “Fachkräftemangel”. The phenomenon is ever-present and has been so for a very long time.

Viewing more specifically North Rhine Westphalia, the state capital Düsseldorf boasts its cosy 650,000 residents. A powerful economy belongs to the neighbouring Ruhr Metropolis, an area with some five million people. Vastly different, yet both require far more staff than the national labour pool can offer.

Many years ago, I attended a speech held by the Italian Ambassador in the Industrie-Club, home to a large number of venerable members. I quote him loosely but he stated that the Germans love the Italians but don’t respect them. The Italians, on the other hand, respect the Germans but don’t love them.

Could this sentiment play a role in too few professional staff relocating from abroad? Or are other characteristics at play? Germans have always been renowned for their dedication to work. Yet they were not considered the most jovial nor friendliest of nationals. The rise of politics to the far right may be of concern to some looking to relocate but pushback from society is also strong.

The country and its folk have changed much over recent decades. I personally can vouch for a more diverse cultural landscape and heightened “laissez faire”. Although somewhat lacklustre, the globe’s third largest economy remains strong and quality of life is generally high. Especially for expat residents.

I was able to learn rudimentary language skills after three months and speak proficiently within a year, so I consider German fairly easy to learn. The weather is nothing to write home about but is normally far from extreme. And the country is ideally located to visit dozens of other nations with ease.

Internationally operating local corporations and highly successful, family owned businesses are widespread as are those in foreign ownership, be it the US, UK and EU, China, Korea, India, Japan or elsewhere. These big players are experienced in employing international talent. Others are less so.

Could it be that company leaders are reluctant to hire from overseas due to a perceived disruptive effect upon customary staffing traditions? Is it the language barrier, culture or more? Is there a reluctance to recruit in case the new employee or possibly their family fail to integrate and feel at home in their new place of residence? Or does the mere lack of experience create an element of fear-driven employment?

Cycling past an advert, I screeched to a halt. My feed on social media has been presenting me with similar job ads, causing me to wonder about the folly of demographics, geo-positioning and targeting options. But this was new to me. The airport in Düsseldorf is targeting passers by. A search for jobs online reveals, perhaps understandably, that non-German speakers have no initial options:

Düsseldorf Airport’s job plattform (sic) offers a variety of job vacancies. Either for the Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH itself or for companies being located at the airport area. To search for job vacancies, internships or duale (sic) study programmes please click the link below. The button says “View German version” and a click reveals 18 positions:

The effect on business development and predictability through having positions filled is undeniable. Secondly, the influx of foreigners has long proven to be highly rewarding to so many. And I wish to help.

Meanwhile all success to the airport and its candidates. The job fair is being held on February 27 2024. Free entry.

To be continued…

Sources: https://www.dus.com/en/corporation/jobs; https://www.dus.com/de-de/konzern/jobs/stellenangebote/flughafen-düsseldorf-gmbh.

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Fear Driven Recruitment / One

Library door way modern architecture

As Monty Python once sang, Finland is “So close to Russia”. Located way up in northern Europe, the tip of Lapland is also over 1100 kms or 700 miles farther north than the south coast. Not only long, it is also the fifth largest nation in the European Union behind France, Spain, Sweden and Germany.

The country is fascinating and so are the Finns, of which there are not so many living there. Whilst Malta, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Ireland and Slovakia reveal fewer residents, Finnland with over 5.5 million people is by far the least densely populated.

And yet, the country thrives. Having spent many a summer flying there for the weekends, I often came across roadworks during a drive the cottage. A week or three later, repairs were completed over long distances and contraflows gone. Both road surfaces and journeys were smooth again. I have never seen such efficiency in any other country.

Infrastructure is not their only area of excellence. Schooling, public transport, aviation, ecology and quality of life rank among the world’s finest.

However, when it comes to international recruitment, Finland struggles similarly to many other countries. Since experience shows this is a global phenomenon, is it the case that the language is a barrier?

Having tried to learn Finnish twice, I could agree. Whilst my mother tongue is English, my German is almost as proficient. Drop me off in Paris and I’ll communicate fairly well in French, even if using somewhat banal vocabulary. In Madrid I may require a glass of wine but I can hold a conversation in Spanish too. I can thus attest to Finnish being far from easy for me but innumerous foreigners excel in speaking with natives.

Yes, winters can be cold and dark. And long. But summers are equally warm. And, due the light, even lengthy. Is it perhaps the mosquitos? Not really. I have experienced more in Düsseldorf. The cost of living? No. Whilst prices may be inflated, salaries are proportionately high too.

Employment opportunities exist in their thousands. So much so, that even such a strong economy suffers. Unique measures have been introduced to help attract international staff.

Recruitment Events

The national Talent Boost Summit took place in November last year in Vantaa. It is, quote, “the most exciting business event of the fall! The event will offer concrete knowledge and practical tools regarding the recruitment of international talents and diversity topics.”

Just prior to that, another event known as the Work in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region was held in October in partnership with EURES, European Employment Services and ELA, the European Labour Authority.

The upcoming Contact Forum in Helsinki January 25 this year is “Finland’s oldest and largest recruitment and career event for university students” and held annually. With 135 companies already registered, it clearly reveals current circumstances.

Most Fascinating?

To quote the Helsinki authorities from last year: “The City of Helsinki wants to provide work for people – regardless of language skills. On 4 April 2023, Helsinki City Hall will be hosting a Work for You recruitment event, bringing together employers in Uusimaa and international jobseekers. The event is aimed at jobseekers who have moved from abroad as well as companies that do not require their employees to have good Finnish or Swedish language skills.”

This is a huge step, especially since governments across the globe require language proficiency to become a resident.

And, since all these events were local, is international recruitment considered questionable?

Or is it the case that employing their first foreigner who is not proficient in Finnish is for many companies a step too far? That recruitment is at times fear driven?

To be continued…


Work for You: hel .fi/en/news/the-city-of-helsinki-wants-to-provide-work-for-people-regardless-of-language-skills; Contact Forum: contactforum .fi; Talent Boost Summit: workinfinland .com/en/tyonantajat/tapahtumat/talent-boost-summit-2023; Work in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region: europeanjobdays .eu/en/event/work-helsinki-uusimaa-region

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Christmas Story 2023

Christmas tree decoration

Contemplating this story, I am reminded of my hero, an incomparable Peanuts character from Charles M. Schulz. That brilliant philosopher and avid writer named Snoopy is portrayed sitting crouched over an old typewriter as those famous words “It was a dark and stormy night” appear.

The Christmas line “Twas the night before Christmas” is also known by countless millions of children. So too, the last line of the same poem, “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”.

As we approach the threshold of a new year, an annual festive season is repeated that some consider divine, yet others dread. It would seem that roughly a quarter of the world’s population celebrate Christmas. In some countries the celebration seems ever-present for weeks on end, rather than a mere couple of days.

So, considering how many have embraced the birth of a child in Bethlehem, it may be fun to consider another, more recent, character’s heritage and how the story of modern day Yuletide cheer has evolved over time.

A Night

Firstly, the deer with reins, since they go back a long, long way. Originating in Scandinavia, the Nordics, Russia and covered in fur from head to toe, they are especially suited to life at the north pole. Since the Finns claim Santa Claus is from Rovaniemi a little further south, the herding of reindeer by the Samis seems poignant. Furthermore, these beautiful animals were revered in Pagan mythology, later becoming part of European Christian customs. Following their introduction to the wider North American continent, they were popular with the Inuits too.

Fast forward to 1821 when a sleigh with a single reindeer is first mentioned in an anonymous illustrated children’s poem published in New York called Old Santeclaus with Much Delight. This predates publication of the aforementioned poem by two years, when a sleigh was pulled by eight reindeer named DasherDancerPrancerVixenCometCupidDonder and Blitzen. Copywriter Robert L. May created Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer in 1939 and their numbers swelled to nine after songwriter Johnny Marks adapted the story of Rudolph into song in 1949.

A Star

Now to the big man himself, who is considered to be born of Greek heritage in Myra during the time of the Roman Empire. An early Christian bishop, his life spanned a surprisingly long life of 73 years. He became the patron saint of children, students and adults from many walks of life.

In the Netherlands, this saviour and man of good deeds was known as SintNicolaas, later to be referred to as Sinterklaas. The Germanic region and surroundings also referred to Saint Nicoaus as the Christkind or Christkindl. Whilst he is still celebrated in several European countries in early December, Dutch settlers in New York were instrumental to his arrival in the United States of America. Little did they know that this was to have impact the world over.

As they say, appearances are everything and this character certainly changed styles over time. Author Washington Irving’s Knickerbocker’s History of New York introduced Americans to Saint Nicholas in 1809 as a jolly old Dutchman who parked his wagon on rooftops and slid down chimneys with gifts for sleeping children on his feast day. Yet artist Alexander Anderson’s image of that same Sancte Claus drawn in 1810 was more religious in nature.

The man’s contradictory transformation remained slow until the prose cited above was published anonymously in 1823. A Visit from St. Nicholas was later credited to Clement Clarke Moore. Three lines in particular give a delightful impression. Whilst he was dressed in fur, He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf. His colours were destined to appear later.

It was 1863 when cartoonist Thomas Nast depicted Santa in A Christmas Furlough wearing a cloak with stars whilst seated on his sleigh pulled by reindeer. In 1864, Santa wore yellow in a later edition of Clement Clarke Moore’s poem, to wear red only 4 years later. Nast’s Merry Old Santa from 1881 saw him more rotund, sporting a fluffier beard and today’s image was born!

On the cover of The Life and Adventures Of Santa Claus in 1902 by L. Frank Baum, Santa is drawn wearing black, carrying a sack of presents and climbing into a chimney. Many illustrations followed. The Coca‑Cola Company’s Christmas ads commenced in the 1920s with a strict-looking Santa Claus. Following artist Fred Mizen’s Santa in 1930, illustrator Haddon Sundblom was engaged. From 1931 to 1964, their advertising featured images of the famous character in various scenes and a tradition was firmly established.

Dramatic stories do, however, reveal curious surprises, so enter Santa’s English origins. Although early references mention the mid-fifteenth century Sir Christëmas, they begin in earnest with Ben Johnson’s Christmas, His Masque referring to Old Christmas in 1616. Parliament banned Christmas in 1647 but it was restored a mere 13 years later. Nineteenth century Father Christmas appeared with Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol in 1843 before today’s version also started to surface in Britain from the 1870s onwards.

A Surprise

Interestingly, the political publication Harper’s Weekly had a soft spot for old Kris Kringle. As have the US Continental Air Defense Command and its successor, the joint Canada and the United States bi-national air defence command NORAD or North American Aerospace Defense Command.

According to the Official United States Air Force, the tradition began in 1955 after a Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. advertisement for children to call Santa misprinted the telephone number. Instead of reaching Santa, the phone number put kids through to the CONAD Commander-in-Chief’s operations hotline. The Director of Operations at the time, Colonel Harry Shoup, had his staff check radar for indications of Santa making his way south from the North Pole. Children who called were given updates on his location, and a tradition was born.

A Cast

The tale of the Elves also reveals a complex affair. A supernatural creature of believed to be of Norse origin, the word Elf itself is Germanic. They are capricious in nature and highly unpredictable. Their evolution and progress is somewhat disputed but, of course, they are the ones to please if we wish to be looked upon favourably by Father Christmas. It is said that they are his emissaries, sent down from the north pole from the first day of the twelfth month to see if children have been naughty or nice.

A Tree

The Christmas tree is rumoured to have been brought south to Germany by Martin Luther upon his return from Latvia. A huge tree in Riga’s market square is first mentioned in 1510. Some even hung them upside down from the ceiling. Having become part of seasonal celebrations, it was Queen Victoria’s spouse Albert who, in 1848, began to make the tradition popular in the British Isles. This then became well known in the US, triggering the tradition to spread more widely across the country.

A Taste

And whist we are on this expansive topic, what about the Christmas meal? The Spanish brought the turkey back home from central America. These were introduced to the UK through trade or directly by British merchants in the early 1500’s. Settlers then took some of these poultry with them to North America during the seventeenth century.

Plum or Christmas pudding is even older. In medieval England, the ingredients are rumoured to have represented Jesus and his 12 apostles. Mince pies were originally made containing with meat as well as fruits and spices. It is believed they originate from the Middle East and appeared in England in the middle ages. Perhaps brought back by returning crusaders? Finally, eggnog. Enjoyed in British aristocratic circles during winter, this deliciously sweet staple of American celebrations seems to have arrived there in the 1700s.

A Flame

So what about the lights? When Germans started to take trees indoors, they attached candles to branches to represent the light of Jesus. With the invention of electricity, this dangerous pastime could be replaced. The first electrically illuminated tree is reputed to have been in New York during Christmas of 1882.

As technology progressed, lights could be found in many homes, both on the trees and off. Today, it is the most natural experience in the world to string lights at home or wander amongst extensive municipal displays in cities on all four continents. My parents had a string of lights which I inherited. They include a pretty parrot, Santa’s head, a snowman, lantern and several other assorted symbolic bulbs. Unfortunately they glow no more, yet these beautiful glass motifs still shine magnificently without power.

A Saviour

Finally, Germanic Pagans referred to the time of year from December 21 to January 1 as Yule. It was a celebration of the winter solstice. Hence the term Yuletide is still used to this day. However, perhaps it is noticeable that this story has yet to remind us of the true reason why we make all the fuss.

In Spain especially and in other Spanish speaking regions, the festive period is extended to include Epiphany. January 5 sees a massive celebration with large processions and joyous children rejoicing the coming of the Three Kings. Nativity scenes with Mary, Joseph, animals and a manger can also be seen everywhere at Christmastime.

The birth of Jesus Christ is a wondrous tale, told countless times, repeated in services, sung in carols and revered across the globe. How fascinating is it then, that Christians are not the only ones to celebrate. Now that truly is the power of love and of joy.

A Wish

Expats from around the world embrace their new hosts, surroundings and experiences with awe, wonder and curiosity. They may show surprise or act and react differently. We are all on a unique journey.

This is the time of year to light a single candle or perform daily and weekly spiritual rituals. We hang colourful Christmas lights and decorations, play games and enjoy lunch or dinner. We may watch a classic movie together or be alone in a foreign country.

Wherever you find yourself this year, whatever tradition you follow, celebrating on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, may this season bring good tidings to all.

It remains to say thank you to my clients, partners, sympathisers, readers, friends, family and loved ones all over the world. It is such a pleasure to serve.

Wishing you Merry Christmas, Fröhliche Weihnachten, Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad, Wesołych Świąt Veselé Vánoce, 圣诞快乐, Hyvää Joulua, Et Al,

In joy, Garry

Empowering companies, cities and expats with knowledge since 2007.

A Reference

As always, online research leads us along many avenues, a few of which proved fruitful to creating my story. These I gladly share:

  • Clement Clarke Moore’s poem: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43171/a-visit-from-st-nicholas.
  • Wonderful comments upon Snoopy’s attempted stories: https://ronaldbrichardson.com/metafiction/the-worlds-shortest-novel-snoopys-it-was-a-dark-and-stormy-night.
  • Rudolf book and song: https://www.si.edu/newsdesk/snapshot/rudolph-red-nosed-reindeer.
  • Santa Claus pictorials: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/a-pictorial-history-of-santa-claus.
  • Christmas trees: https://time.com/5736523/history-of-christmas-trees.
  • Coca Cola: https://www.coca-colacompany.com/about-us/history/haddon-sundblom-and-the-coca-cola-santas.
  • Santa Claus history: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/christmas/the-history-of-father-christmas.
  • Santa Tracker: https://www.noradsanta.org/en

By Vincent Green, Dec 20 2023

Happy New Year 2023

Winter scene

Depending upon their culture, many people celebrate Epiphany. Countless others acknowledge the Three Kings. Yet more simply say goodbye to their Christmas decorations.

Either way, as celebrating the gift of birth comes to a close, 2023 is in flow. This new year is also being flooded with the energy and light of a full moon. A perfect time to reflect and to plan.

Having been born on the twelfth day of Christmas, this week is especially emotional for me. Guided by love and gratitude, I have come to realise my life’s journey makes sense. Born in the UK, my first border crossing was at the age of 10 months. Six locations and twelve homes later, I was asked to relocate to Germany, the land of a few of my ancestors.

Learning to navigate a foreign society was second nature to me, so I became a happy expat. Many international residents are not so fortunate, so I decided to help them settle in and stay.

This year will see greater investment and expansion in the concept of assisting companies and cities to attract and retain expat employees. Both in current locations and beyond. The shortage of qualified staff is universal and competition to acquire talent global. I invite you to join me to succeed.

Amazing Capitals for Businesses
Amazing Capitals for Cities
Amazing Capitals for Licensees

May your new year 2023 be a healthy and joyful one!
Kindest, Garry

By Vincent Green, Jan 6 2023


OCEANOGRAFIC VALENCIA The Oceanogràfic in Valencia excites with surprising insights. Situated in the spectacular surroundings of the City of Arts and Sciences, it is the largest aquarium in Europe. The […]

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MARINA DE VALENCIA La Marina de València is a unique district that combines business, cultural and public activities in a maritime environment. Nestled cheerfully between the main beach of Valencia […]

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