Amazing Capitals

Across the globe, companies large and small struggle can struggle with recruitment. Due to a lack of national applicants, many reach out internationally to find talent and invite them to their location. Attraction and retention of expats, however, remains a challenge.
At Amazing Capitals, we believe empowerment is created through knowledge. Every prospective international candidate deserves to be able to research their new location to the full before accepting a new position and relocating. To feel well informed, confident and committed to their new employer.
Companies should be supported in delivering relevant information and understanding regarding the wellbeing of expats wherever they are located. Why? Predictability and happiness improve performance and livelihoods.
We envision a world where expats can discover necessary information effortlessly, integrate well into their new environment and be treated with compassion. That international employees are able to wisely choose a new assignment from abroad. They easily transition and settle in well and can happily remain in their new home.
They should be more cared for on a global scale. Companies should also benefit from acquiring candidates from abroad more efficiently and retaining their foreign staff more effectively.
We are passionate about helping professionals and their families of all nationalities, races, creeds or cultures. International residents should have access to everything necessary on one source and in a language they understand to empower them to lead better lives. We also bring the greatest enthusiasm to supporting company leaders, HR heads and city managers to fully inform, attract and retain staff from abroad.
Companies and cities are our clients, partners and sponsors. Expanding the reach of Amazing Capitals into a global movement is the next phase. Engaging licensees will enable more rapid development and implementation.
Numerous companies around the world are practiced in hiring international talent. A select few also adapt their corporate culture accordingly. Far more businesses have little or no experience of hiring from abroad nor supporting expat employees, so need to learn. Most cities fail to engage adequately with the phenomenon.
Understanding the multifaceted issues foreign personnel may face is challenging. As perpetual expats, we comprehend their needs. Amazing Capitals has been supporting businesses, cities and international professionals since 2007.
You, your company and city can benefit from our experience. Positive impressions and image are key to empowering expat candidates, thus improving the likelihood and the efficiency of any relocation.
Comprehensive knowledge and insights serves to help them decide confidently whilst raising the prospects of remaining in their chosen place of residency for the duration. Meanwhile, happier staff perform better and are more valuable to the company.
Beyond individuals, the broader impact on society is understanding, compassion, interconnectedness, contentment and higher productivity. Achieving goals and thriving families are two of the results.
Taking Action
Welcome to our world. Diverse options are available to company leaders, HR heads and city managers wishing to invest in our tools and improve their circumstances. Recognition and acknowledgement of the circle of cause and effect are the first signs of clients, sponsors and partners. Raising the bar follows smoothly.
Discover more by downloading the PDF and reaching out to ascertain how Amazing Capitals can help you and your enterprise engage successfully with expats.
Conceptual Context
Garry was born in England, crossed his first border at 10 months, to move again at 4, 6, 10, 11 and 18 years of age. He relocated to Germany at 22, where his career spanned many corporate roles, he freelanced and owned an advertising agency. A request by the British Consulate General for assistance was the initial spark to follow his passion and help expats. Amazing Capitals was born. An avid traveller, he writes short stories
About Amazing Capitals
Amazing Capitals publishes online location resources dedicated to local expat ecosystems in various locations. The eGuides and eBooks help the city along with local or international companies to attract international professionals to their location.
Packed with holistic knowledge and exclusive insights on life as an expat in the location, comprehensive information supports employers to retain expats by empowering them to lead better lives within the community. It also empowers companies to take full control of all elements of their job searches and offers.
A mosaic of aspects comes together on a location based portfolio of English language resources created by a perpetual expat. It is a curious, multi-facetted experience to live life as an expat. Happiness and wellbeing are key to a successful relocation. We strive to help make that happen.
About Your Partner
When I was asked by my company to relocate, by hook and by crook, and by stumbling and trying and trial and error, I figured it all out. So I sat back and thought, How can I fix this problem for others like me? So what I started doing was going to companies and cities like yours. I then created comprehensive online expat guides in various locations, where businesses can just put a simple link right on their website that will drive any expats interested in or working for your company over to a site packed with knowledge that will speak to them in English, about exactly what they need to know.
Companies become empowered in all aspects of their offer. Expats are empowered to make a wise decision and relocate to a location that feels right to them. It’s a very simple process that takes very little work on your part. I do all the hard work in Helsinki or Bordeaux, Tallinn or Leipzig, Barcelona or Santiago de Cuba and other magnificent cities. I’ll research, translate, create and publish everything in English. So any expats who need information can come to the Amazing Capitals Ecosystem for your location. They’ll get all the facts they need and know exactly who to connect with. And you’ll be providing them with a great service, because it’s what they want.
The support continues over time. How often have you experienced such things as absenteeism because people had to solve an issue that is far more difficult for them than for a local national? It takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of effort. It’s frustrating for the people and it makes them less happy at work. It makes them not feel great. It in fact makes them very unhappy, it makes them feel like they made the worst decision of their life by coming there, that everything is so confusing and everything is so complicated.
I solve that problem for you. And the reason I solve it is because I’ve been through it myself. When I first relocated, I spent months trying to figure out the systems and everything else. It’s easy if you’re, for instance, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Czech, French and guess what, every company in your country reaches out to the local population. But the reality of it is, there is an international population of people who are not of local nationality, who don’t speak the language yet and who are trying very hard to fit in. And they can’t do it without your help. And without my help. I’ve made it simple. The only thing you need to do is take this very next step.
The result of it is expats get the help that they need, they are able to find it in the English language that they desire, all in one place. Everything is explained to them in simple terms that allows them to deal with basic needs and get all the results they require. That nationals take for granted. Once they can do that, they become happier employees. They love living in the country. They may find themselves there many years later, thrilled to be there, an active and functioning part of society and culture and so fulfilled by the job they took.
That’s what I do, and I would love to help you do that for your international employees.
Experiences In Brief
I have lived for extended periods in a few countries, first and foremost in Germany. My life is a roller coaster of magnificent experiences and surprising discoveries. Repeated periods in Finland, France and Spain especially plus other extensive travels abroad have further enhanced my desire to serve expats.
A love of people, travelling, communication, meeting others and discovering defines my outlook on life Spiritually inclined, I hope to leave my mark. A concept for a creative centre for deprived children is waiting to be fulfilled. Having commenced a collection of non fiction tales, a publication is in the making.
Experience includes working in corporate IT, sales and marketing. Owning a film production company and transforming it into a marketing and advertising agency in Germany was thrilling. Renowned companies turned to us for a unique approach. The business club I created attracted consular and city interaction, through which the desire for expat support was instigated.
That is my true passion. Now I am in the process of expanding globally with local licensees and adding courses for the wellbeing of expats.
An Expat And Traveller
Having experienced almost everything possible when relocating to a foreign country and pointed naively at numerous unknown items in stores, I know life as a foreigner. I am truly one of us.
I also know how it feels to be in locations where locals are unable or unhappy to speak English. Understanding situations can sometimes be challenging. Not knowing the local system, angles of thought or the way of doing things, misunderstandings and mistakes can lurk around every corner. Awareness of cultural uniqueness is fascinating,
One day I received a small fine from the authorities in Düsseldorf for not registering a move. From then on, I recognised more of the value of awareness to local demands. A desire to collate and spread knowledge was born. I find it a true pleasure in assisting expats who discover themselves in similar situations in their new location abroad.
If I can save expats from some pitfalls and help unearthing new insights, information and snippets of true knowledge on the eGuides then it is all worth it. Enabling expats to feel more comfortable through my work and empowering them to lead better lives is key.
The way to do that is through their employers and city heads. That is exactly what Amazing Capitals is all about.
Explore how to improve your expat employment circumstances. Reserve a discovery meeting on Calendly, call or contact via the options below. Opportunities include a variety of packages and sponsor options. Joining is effective, efficient, quick and smooth.
By Vincent Green, Nov 16 2023
Amazing Capitals Ltd
7 Bell Yard
WC2A 2JR London
United Kingdom
+44 755 050 7799

Attractive locations across the world create strong competition to companies who desperately need to attract expats. Position and package fit, as does the company. Unfortunately a lack of convincing images, false impressions and incomplete city presentations fail to help inspire expats to relocate.

A more effective, holistic approach is required to inspire expats to relocate, provide knowledge to support settling in and motivate them to remain in their new home. A simple tool with a quick overview to help spread the word through your company. No signup required!
Natural Environment
To the surprise of newly arrived expats, beaches exist even in landlocked locations. These may be the shore of a river, lake or reservoir. Discovering fine sand for walking, playing, relaxing and picnicking is a hot topic whatever the season. So too parks, hiking and nature trails. All are form part of the comprehensive knowledge on every eGuide.